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Meditation for Kids: How to Get Started

Everything You Need to Know About Meditation for Kids

As parents, we all want our kids to grow up healthy, happy, and with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges.

Unfortunately, it seems as though the pace of modern life has created new challenges for parents and their children to navigate.

One valuable tool that can help children adjust to these challenges while developing resilience and emotional intelligence is meditation.

Meditation has gained popularity in recent years as more and more people recognize the benefits this practice can offer.

What is Meditation and How can it Help Kids?

Put simply, meditation is the practice of focusing your attention on one thing, such as your breath, a certain sound, or a particular image, in order to train your mind to become more calm and centered.

For kids, meditation can take many forms, from simply taking a few deep intentional breaths to listening to a guided meditation.

The Benefits of Meditation

Research has shown that meditation can help children manage stress and anxiety, improve their focus and concentration, and enhance their overall sense of well-being.

By practicing meditation and increasing awareness children can improve their ability to regulate their emotions and cultivate a sense of inner peace. Meditation can be a powerful tool for navigating life’s ups and downs.

Meditation vs Mindfulness: What's the Difference?

You may have heard the terms “meditation” and “mindfulness” used interchangeably, but they actually represent two slightly different practices.

While meditation involves focusing your attention on one thing, mindfulness involves being aware of your thoughts and feelings in the present moment, without judgment or attachment.

Both are helpful practices for improving self-awareness, increasing resilience, and stress management. 

How to Help Your Kids Meditate?

Tips for Getting Started

If you’re interested in teaching your kids how to meditate, there are a few things you can do to make the practice more accessible and engaging for them.

First, it’s important to explain to your kids what meditation is and why it can be helpful (such as helping them relax or practice their focusing skills). 

You can also start by helping your kids set realistic expectations for their practice. For example, younger children may only be able to sit still and focus on their breath for a few seconds at a time, while older children may be able to sustain their attention for longer periods.

Below is a episode of the Feelings Detective Podcast with a fun guided meditation to try.

Guided Meditation for Kids: How Does it Work?

Another way to help your kids meditate is to use guided meditation. A guided meditation is when someone leads you through the practice, providing suggestions for what to focus on and how to breathe.

Guided meditations for children often use imagery and storytelling to make the practice more engaging and fun.

For example, a guided meditation for kids might involve imagining you’re on a beach, listening to the waves and feeling the sand between your toes.

Girl Mindfully Listening to Music

Meditation for Children: How to Make it a Fun Practice

Another way to make meditation more appealing to kids is to involve them in the process. You can ask your kids to suggest a theme for the meditation, like “happiness” or “peace,” and then guide them in a practice that aligns with that theme.

Mindfulness Activities for Kids to Promote Relaxation

Fun and Easy Mindfulness Activities for Kids

While meditation is a powerful tool for promoting relaxation and emotional regulation in kids, there are also many other ways to help your child practice being mindful in their daily life.

For example, you can encourage your kids to practice mindful breathing exercises, which involve taking slow, deep breaths and noticing the sensation of air moving in and out of their body.

You can also engage your child in other mindful activities, like coloring, sensory play, or nature walks.

By helping your child become more present and aware in their daily activities, you can help them cultivate a sense of calm and centeredness that can carry over into other aspects of their life.

Encouraging Mindful Parenting: How to Practice Mindfulness with Your Kids?

As parents, we’re often juggling multiple responsibilities and demands. However, by practicing mindfulness ourselves and modeling it for our kids, we can help them develop their own mindfulness practice.

Some ways to practice mindful parenting include taking a few deep breaths before reacting to a difficult situation with your child, or engaging in a mindful activity together, like coloring or walking in nature.

The Benefits of Incorporating Mindfulness in Your Kid's Daily Routine

Research has shown that practicing mindfulness can have a number of benefits for children, including improved emotional regulation, increased empathy and social skills, and enhanced cognitive and academic performance.

By helping your child develop a regular mindfulness practice, you can give them a powerful tool for managing stress and building resiliency.

Final Thoughts on Meditation for Kids

No matter how you choose to incorporate meditation and mindfulness into your child’s life, know that you’re giving them a powerful tool for developing resilience, emotional intelligence, and well-being.

With practice and patience, your child can learn to meditate and cultivate a sense of inner calm and peace that will serve them well throughout their life.

About the Author

Dane Furfaro

Dane Furfaro is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and has worked with children and families for over 10 years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Concordia College and a master’s degree in Educational Psychology with a specialization in counseling from the University of Minnesota. He has been fortunate to empower many students and adults in their journeys to create better futures for themselves.